Search help

The search is not case sensitive. This means that you can enter either uppercase or lowercase letters. The online search tool allows you to search for orders from the past 3 years. You can search for orders using:

Keyword search

Advanced Search Tips

Boolean Searching

Narrow searches in the Search Terms box by using Boolean operators, which are simple terms that define the relationship between words. The databases use:

" " Double Quotation Marks: Find an exact phrase. Search results will return cases with the exact phrase between quotations marks. AND: Find two terms. Search results will return cases with both words before and after AND. AND must be written in all upper case.
OR: Find either term. Search results will return cases with either of the words before and after OR. OR must be written in all upper case. NOT: Exclude a term. Search results will not return cases with the word after NOT. NOT must be written in all upper case.
* Wildcard asterisk: Find variable spellings or replace unknown characters. Search results will return cases that match the given characters and any combination of other characters. E.g. bea* will return bean, beach, bead, bear, beauty etc.

An example of a search phrase using Boolean: "blue jelly beans" AND candy NOT sugar*.

Application number

Enter an application number. The format will be either:

Decision date

Enter a date range to search for Tribunal orders by date.

Parties (person)

Parties (organisation / company / trust / other)

Tenancy address

Damages and compensation

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